Perhaps Idaho Republicans who do not fall for this corruption will be in favor of open primaries once again.

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My head is spinning! And it’s not from any marijuana. If you ever had a doubt as to what the IFF and their alliances or enemies were and are up to, this is the column to read. Great job!

You know what would be great? Maybe, just maybe, someone can get these MAGAt flamethrowers to take a time-out, then come back and do the work WE pay them to do.

Well, a gal can dream, can’t she?

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No to legalize drugs. From an old freed user who got delivered from the evil puppetmaster who lied to me making me think I had to have drugs to survive. I'm 73 & been free for 30years what they call Marijuana is so mind altering that it can cause a person to totally stop functioning. I praise GOD HE set me free.

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Strange bedfellows: I've never voted for any "R"s, but I'm solidly with any group's position on the benefits to the state, and to the freedom of its adult citizens, to enjoy legalized marijuana.

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