Personally, I tend to think that Passages like Judges 19 are precisely why maybe the Bible should be read in schools. Many of the yapping conservatives who want it actually have no idea about all the things that are in the Bible. They have only been spoon-fed a few cherry-picked passages that support their own narrow views. If the Legislature passes this bill, I say: Great! Go ahead and read it, straight through, without commentary. But be sure to send the week's readings home with the kids to show their parents what's being read each day. I'm willing to bet there will be a few people with some questions about what exactly they signed up for in having the Bible read in classrooms. And just maybe, what they signed up for when they bought into this whole "The Bible is the literal Word of God" thing...

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Just wait till they get to the parts about Jesus; they’ll probably ban Bible reading for being “woke”.

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Very clever, KarlaRose!

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It would be a great bible lesson if this could be published in every newspaper outlet in the state.

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Thank you! This is an excellent article and it says exactly what I’d like to say but you have much better words. But mark me down to fully agree! Also — I think I heard recently that someone was trying to get a bill through about mandatory posting of the Ten Commandments at every school. Also a big NO. NO.

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I wrote to the chair of the Education committee to ask if they'd really thought through the idea of reading the Bible to elementary school children, referencing passages throughout the Old Testament which explicitly described incest, violence, mass murder, and erotica (think Song of Solomon), not to mention the images in Revelations, pointing out that these passages would get the Bible restricted in public libraries. Not surprisingly, I haven't heard back from him.

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Thank you for this article. I agree with your points. Many religious texts and traditions need to be considered when considering a practice such as this in the classroom. I think separating church and state is the best way to proceed. My daughter and her husband work hard to give their children age-appropriate education and entertainment. This passage would be totally out of line for a six-year-old.

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I wonder if Glenneda responded to that thought provoking letter.

Maybe not. It would have required her to think - a foreign concept to the far-right.

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I think I should start attending a different Christian church each week wearing a shirt reading “just here for the cookies “ and document how long each establishment takes to get me out the door. There is no way in hell that I would tell my child that he had to participate in this abomination.

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