Risch does not have the moral fortitude to act on his past thoughts and words.

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I’m not betting the farm that Risch is going to buck the rest of the MAGAt scared bunnies in Congress and stand up to President musk and his water boy, trump. None of our delegation has stood up for our Constitution yet. Why start now?

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In this conversation, what’s ironic is the writer who wants an investigation into unsubstantiated rumors of supposed Ukrainian grift and corruption. At the same time, he backs the most corrupt president of our age, who has defied our Constitution by personally padding his own bank account - steering foreign dignitaries to stays at his hotel and Mar-A-Lago during his first term; hawking sneakers, coins, bibles, etc. this term. All of this is in violation of the Emoluments Clause of our Constitution.

You want an investigation? Start with trump.

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Silence will be an answer all it's own.

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I've lived in Idaho for 12 years and I have never witnessed such ball less republican men do nothing for their constituents nor for Idaho than I have seen here. Just totally worthless!

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I haven’t seen Risch do anything yet to stand up for democracy. He stands behind Trump on every decision he makes. And now that Trumps getting rid of the cyber security wing of the government, he’s inviting Russia, china, Iran, North Korea to do whatever they want with the security of our country What is he thinking? Maybe just have a White House open house and invite everyone in Senator, please start standing up for the American people and close this circus down or we won’t have a country left!!

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USA HAS NO "EMPEROR" ! At least "NOT YET", Risch , Crapo, Simpson, Fulcher are Supportive of a Wannabe

"RULER for LIFE" -- WHY? With an OLIGARCHY like Russia, and China, DO YOU SUPPORT THIS ?

Copied from End of Article=With your powerful position and your deep understanding, we are confident that you will summon the courage — and political savvy — to tell Mr. Trump (and those who adore him) that he is wrong about this. Our own emperor needs to hear from you that — on this issue at least — he has no clothes.

Thankfully, Putin’s lies — even though he is a brutal dictator — do not magically become truth.

But we do wonder what will happen if you and those who serve with you continue to stand silent. If history is any guide, it won’t be long before the lies — whether spoken by a brutal dictator or the most powerful man in the world — eventually become our new and tragic truth.

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It may be time for a new relationship with Russia.

How much money that was meant for Ukraine’s health actually got funneled to Zelinsky’s allies to buy expensive houses and villas overseas, and how much got diverted back to Joe Biden and his family‘s LLCs.

Would Senator Risch leave the Cold War behind and support an investigation to account where all that money went?

Somehow, I doubt it.

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Why do you share misinformation and conspiracy theories? Do even have a credible source for these statements?

I'm disappointed that so many conservatives have fallen victim to a lack of critical thinking and regurgitate narratives that lack well sourced facts.

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Why do you think I’m sharing misinformation and misguided theories, when all I was asking for was an investigation to see where the money went?

Do you wanna see where the money went? Better yet, does Senator Risch?

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Don't you think it odd that Risch, in his position, says none of those things?

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Investigations are triggered by documented information that a crime has occurred. Please cite the source of your information.

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Art, I’m sure you have your finger on the pulse of the world, but I have heard differently from many subject matter experts. Is this firsthand knowledge on your part or have you heard this through your social media?

What I have learned is that much of the money for weapons was used in the United States to build new modern weaponry that we kept in our military. The outdated weapon systems then were sent to Ukraine. The United States benefited not only from the newer weapons, but also from the manufacturing and other inputs needed to develop a weapon or anti-missile system or even a tank. I’m open to correction or constructive criticism if my understanding is wrong. And will gladly match my sources with your sources.

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I’m just looking for an investigation, because it seems like a whole lot of money to send overseas with such poor results.

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Here's an excerpt from a report...keep in mind that Trump fired these OIGs.

Operation Atlantic Resolve Lead Inspector General Quarterly Report to Congress, October 1, 2024—December 31, 2024

The Inspectors General for the Department of Defense, Department of State, and the U.S. Agency for International Development conduct oversight of and report on the overseas contingency operation "Operation Atlantic Resolve (OAR)," including U.S. Government activities related to Ukraine, pursuant to Section 1250B of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 and Lead IG reporting responsibilities under 5 U.S.C. 419.

This report also discusses the planned, ongoing, and completed oversight work conducted by the Lead IG agencies and our partner oversight agencies during the quarter that coordinate their activities through the Ukraine Oversight Interagency Working Group. OAR is the U.S. contingency operation to deter Russian aggression against NATO and to reassure and bolster the alliance in the wake of Russia’s 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine. OAR also includes security assistance activities in support of Ukraine.

In addition to security assistance, the U.S. Government provides direct budget support, development, and humanitarian assistance to support Ukraine and its people.

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Congress has appropriated or otherwise made available $182.75 billion to support the Office of Assistance and Reconstruction (OAR) and the broader U.S. response to Ukraine. As of the end of the quarter, at least $140.47 billion has been obligated, and $83.43 billion has been disbursed.

This quarter, the U.S. Government disbursed $20.00 billion to be repaid by future proceeds of immobilized Russian sovereign assets to a World Bank-managed trust fund designated for Ukraine. USAID transferred $535.25 million from the Economic Support Fund to its Sovereign Credit Program Account at the Department of the Treasury, to cover loan guarantee subsidy costs. Since 2022, the U.S. Government has provided over $30.21 billion in direct budget support to the Ukrainian government, contributing to a total of $115.2 billion provided by partner nations and institutions.

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I like Sen. Risch most of the time, but he is wrong about extending the war and defeating Russia. Poking the nuclear armed bear constantly will provoke a nuclear response eventually. This war and the killing need to end now. We have nothing to gain, except to enrich the industrial war machine and feed more money into rampant corruption.

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I see that the "Magic Valley" has not excelled in either learning or intelligence in the decades since I lived there. The editorial is without any historical depth or insight whatsoever.

Russia was intentionally provoked by the US into this war. It is a proxy war. Remember, the country is only about 35 years old and the ONLY government ever democratically elected by the entire country was overthrown in a violent coup sponsored by ... give you two guesses .... yes, the United States. Vickie Nuland infamously BRAGGED about it. That was in 2014. Skipping -- for the sake of time -- a lot of detail, the coup-government then began shelling the mostly ethnic Russian part of eastern Ukraine. Estimates indicate they may have murdered as many as 20,000 of their own people. So here's my point ... this whole thing was stupid, we need to get out, and a reset of relations with Russia is actually a GOOD idea.

I value and thank you for your news and commentary on Idaho affairs.

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