Was she detained after? If not, wouldn't that amount to false imprisonment to put cuffs on her? And what about all those "men" in the audience? What cowards everyone was.

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Great point, David. And if they removed and transported her to another location, it’s kidnapping.

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She was not detained. There was an ambulance outside and she was evaluated by EMS before she went home because they were literally throwing and dragging her out. Norris was in civilian clothing and the security guards were unmarked. I was there and absolutely appalled by how the whole thing was handled. The MC was so inappropriate and the woman did nothing to deserve this level of aggression.

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then it was assault.

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So if we want to vote in the primary election, we have to register as a republican? :(

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If you want to vote in the Republican primary, you have to register as a Republican. Read the fine print, though. There may be a wait time before Dorothy Moon lets you vote. Democrats hold an open primary. Independents are not a recognized political party, so they have no primary at all.

We tried to remedy this with Proposition 1 (Open Primaries) in the November election, but the far-right launched a smear campaign against it and Idahoans themselves voted to curtail voting rights of other Idahoans. Shameful!

So, this is what we get, Idaho. Tyranny of the minority, as evidenced by this disturbing video. Not one male stood up to the illegal bouncers who call themselves “constitutional sheriffs”. Shameful!

If these so-called sheriffs had taken the time beforehand to actually read our Constitution, they would have known that these types of vigilante groups are illegal. (Article 1, Section 8) Recently, a group called Tactical Civics has been trying to recruit ignorant guys like these. It’s what fascists do. They go for the “low hanging fruit”. Don’t be fooled by their swagger. It’s all for show.

I hope this woman sues the crap out of these bullies for assault, especially the guy wearing the County Sheriff’s hat. If he’s a real officer, then he should have known better. Where was his ID? Why did he refuse to show it?

Keep your eyes open, people. Challenge these idiots and insist on ID. Resist.

Most of all - do not obey in advance!

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That's what makes this so frightening for people in CdA country. The guy in the sheriff's hat was actually Sheriff Norris.

From comments on the statesman:

Robert Norris, a former Los Angeles Sheriff's Department (LASD) official, receives disability and retirement benefits from the Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association (LACERA).

Explanation Norris retired from the LASD in 2014.

Norris receives $150,282 annually in disability and retirement benefits from LACERA. <he also gets a hefty sheriff's salary).

Norris has said that his LACERA disability rating is 12%, not 100%.

Norris has said that his partial disability is due to impacts of his law enforcement career.

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Why did he refuse to show his badge? And what do we know about this LEAR Security Management that apparently no one has any prior knowledge about?

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All good questions, and no one up there is offering any answers.

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And that’s what makes this whole episode worse. Either the right hand didn’t know what the left hand was doing, or these people were in cahoots and are now trying to point fingers at each other and cover their asses. Typical repubs. Everything they do is: fire, aim, ready. In that order.

I can’t even imagine the chaos in DC right now. musk/trump/vance. Three monkeys fu*king a football.

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do it sooner than later.

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Number 1: It's Idaho, Number 2: She is female and Number 3: it is unacceptable to attack a women while others stand around with their thumbs up their asses!!

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Excellent message, Greg! Keep up the good work.

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