How Idaho's ABLE Bill Won and Who Tried to Stop it
Idaho House Bill 26 enabled those on disability to put more money into their own savings accounts to account for unexpected emergencies.
The Idaho Senate just approved House Bill 26 (HB 26), a bill allowing disabled Idahoans to save money without jeopardizing their public assistance benefits. This bill—practical, moral, and supported by basic human decency—should have been a no-brainer. And yet, the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF), the self-appointed arbiters of what it means to be ‘conservative,’ gave it a negative score. Why? Because in their twisted ideology, supporting disabled people who can’t line their pockets might be a sin.
HB 26 establishes Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts in Idaho. These tax-advantaged savings accounts allow people with disabilities to save for essential expenses—housing, transportation, and unexpected emergencies—without losing benefits like Social Security Income (SSI). Before this bill, disabled Idahoans were penalized for saving more than $2,000, trapping them in poverty. This bill allowed for those on disability to be a little more self sufficient and it would save taxpayers from footing some of these bills in the long run. But apparently, according to the IFF, giving people with disabilities a chance at financial stability is government overreach.
Parris Miller, a so-called ‘policy analyst’ for IFF whose libertarian extremism borders on outright anarchy, penned the hit piece against the bill. And, like good little puppets, several IFF-backed legislators parroted his talking points without an ounce of critical thought. Rep. Kent Marmon, whose contribution to the debate was effectively a copy-paste job of Miller’s ‘analysis.’ Marmon—who, let’s be honest, has never had an original thought in his legislative career—demonstrated just how much of the Idaho Legislature is bought and paid for by the IFF.
This isn’t really about ideology. The IFF doesn’t actually care about conservative principles. Their agenda is to redefine ‘conservatism’ to advance their grift, rewarding donors and punishing those who don’t buy into their racket. The disabled, the poor, anyone who isn’t a straight, white, Christian Nationalist male—these people don’t donate to IFF. And if you don’t donate to IFF, you are the enemy.
This vote revealed once again that many Idaho legislators believe empathy is a sin. They will grandstand about their so-called Christianity, wrapping themselves in Old Testament fire-and-brimstone authoritarianism, but when it comes to following the actual teachings of Jesus—feeding the hungry, caring for the poor, lifting up the vulnerable—they are nowhere to be found. They want the 10 Commandments displayed in public schools while scoffing at the mere idea of the Beatitudes being taught. “Blessed are the meek…” yeah right, nobody every got endorsed by Maloney’s political machine for being perceived as weak.
HB 26 passed despite the IFF’s attempts to torpedo it, but not before exposing exactly who is playing the ‘Freedom Score’ game. These legislators—many of whom claim to be ‘conservatives’—weren’t thinking about their constituents when they voted. They were thinking about keeping their IFF score high enough to avoid attack ads and primary challengers funded by out-of-state billionaires who couldn’t care less about Idaho families.
If it’s not obvious by now, the IFF and their legislative puppets do not represent conservatism. They represent a political grift, one designed to shape legislation for the benefit of their wealthy backers at the expense of everyday Idahoans.
If your legislator voted for HB 26, thank them. They did the right thing. If your legislator voted against it, let them know exactly how you feel. Send an email. Make a call. Show up to testify against any bill the IFF scores negatively. Because if they were willing to screw over the disabled for the sake of their ‘Freedom Score,’ who else are they willing to sell out? Are you next?
The next time you see one of these fake conservatives campaign on ‘Christian values’ remember this vote. Their actions, not their words, tell you where their hearts really are.
About the Author
Gregory Graf is the creator of Political Potatoes and a lifelong conservative Republican. His articles often criticize the hypocrisy committed by far-right grifters who’ve taken control of the GOP. Graf is the CEO of Snake River Strategies, a communications and political consulting firm based in Eagle, Idaho. He and his family moved to Idaho Falls from Utah in 2013 and reside in Star.
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Go read Heather Cox Richardson, today March 5 and then scroll notes and read Jess Piper 'I Know Exactly what They are Doing' the view of Rural Missouri.
The vindictiveness exhibited by and the trauma (physical and emotional) caused by the IFF in this and other cases, and by the greater MAGA (GOP) in many other legislative actions, is their point. Their crusade towards whatever twisted conservatism they envision leaves nothing built, nothing gained saved tax breaks for whoever looks or is as affluent as them, but tears down plenty. According to them, prosperity (access in this case, financial stability, health) is a zero sum equation, and anyone who dares to be differently abled is detracting from their prosperity. It's sick and demented.