Freedom Without Responsibility
Idaho House Bill 125 shows how one group will shield rioters from accountability because they might need them to enforce their agenda when they don't get their way.
A proposal to increase penalties for riots that cause physical injury, House Bill 125 (H0125), faced predictable opposition from Idaho legislators loyal to the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF), who scored this a -1 on their “Freedom Index.” Their reasoning? The IFF claims the bill’s language is too broad and could lead to unfair felony charges against individuals who did not directly cause harm. Forget about any actual political violence that might look like rioting. It’s just business as usual for liberty legislators.
The Far Right’s Double Standard on Riots
Idaho’s far-right political machine, led by the IFF, has a track record of excusing political violence when it serves their agenda. This is the same IFF that endorsed Ammon Bundy for governor against Brad Little and has a track record of celebrating those who raise their weapons toward law enforcement officers.
Let’s not forget the August 2020 incident at the Idaho Statehouse, where Bundy supporters, many of them armed, shoved state troopers and shattered a glass door while trying to storm the gallery. Yet, despite their blatant aggression, no charges were filed because prosecutors feared violent backlash.
Fast forward a few months to January 6th, 2021. Among the insurrectionists who stormed the U.S. Capitol was Idaho resident Josiah Colt, a fan of the IFF’s messaging. The far-right lived in denial of these riots, downplaying the violence while simultaneously cheering President Donald Trump’s pardoning of convicted felons involved in the attack on law enforcement. A move widely criticized by many Republicans.
For the IFF and their loyalists, riots are only bad when their political enemies commit them. Antifa and BLM demonstrators? They are dangerous criminals who should be locked up or shot by vigilantes like Kyle Rittenhouse.
Armed Bundy supporters breaking a door in the Idaho Statehouse? Nope—they are simply true patriots standing up against the “RINO traitors.”
Playing the “Freedom Score” Game
The following legislators voted against House Bill 125, falling in line with the IFF’s coercive “Freedom Index” system, which rewards lawmakers with campaign support each election if they do what their told:
Andrus, Barbieri, Beiswenger, Boyle, Bruce, Cannon, Cayler, Ehardt, Garner, Harris, Hawkins, Hostetler, Leavitt, Marmon, Mendive, Mitchell, Monks, Price, Rasor, Scott, Shepherd, Tanner(13), Tanner(14), Thompson, Wisniewski
These lawmakers are not voting with their constituents in mind; they’re voting to maintain their “Freedom Score.”
The irony? If H0125 had been law in 2020, many of Bundy’s followers could have faced potential felony charges for their actions at the Statehouse. But instead of acknowledging their own side’s culpability, these legislators pretend it never happened and work to shield their far-right allies from accountability.
Chasing a bogus Idaho Freedom Score is just validation for a system designed to coerce. If legislators collectively ignored the IFF’s scorecard, its perceived stranglehold on the legislature would collapse. Idaho would be better off if lawmakers voted based on what’s best for their constituents rather than worrying about how IFF’s propaganda machine will attack them in the next election.
Riots must be condemned, regardless of who is responsible. Laws designed to deter political violence must be applied consistently. If you are a far-left activist throwing rocks or an IFF-loving “tourist” shoving state troopers and breaking a glass door at the Idaho Statehouse—accountability must be applied equally.
This negative score analysis was written by the extreme libertarian with anarchist vibes who once posted, “Shooting someone who is attempting to kidnap you is always justified.” Is anyone surprised when IFF policy analyst Parrish Miller justifies killing police officers making an arrest would also be opposed to holding rioters responsible for their crimes?
Idaho’s extremists like Miller and his IFF bosses want freedom without responsibility. We need the adults in the legislature to show these hypocritical crybabies they don’t always get their way.
About the Author
Gregory Graf is the creator of Political Potatoes and a lifelong conservative Republican. His articles often criticize the hypocrisy committed by far-right grifters who’ve taken control of the GOP. Graf is the CEO of Snake River Strategies, a communications and political consulting firm based in Eagle, Idaho. He and his family moved to Idaho Falls from Utah in 2013 and reside in Star.
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Mr. Graf:
I am an old (80) and part of the California invasion. I have had a house in Boise for some 15 years when my daughter went to BSU. I will confess I bought her a house to avoid out of state tuition. I worked and lived in LA, a great construction market, but spent a fair amount of time in Boise and decided to move here when I retired. I love living in Idaho despite being a liberal democrat. We share a similar commitment to our political position. However, this is a fan letter and not a comment on your blogs. I find your perspectives quite compelling and, should this MAGA garbage relent in its assault on our democracy, I will find it an honor to oppose your professed Conservative Republican policies, but will buy you lunch at any time and at any place you may choose. Thank you for your intelligent blog. Even as a Democrat I can tell you love your country, as do I.
Best regards,
Ken Wipff
USA, our very "FIRST" Amendment of our Constitution, THEY want to take away:
**** Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.****
In Simpler Terms,= The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects five fundamental freedoms from government interference:
Freedom of religion: The right to practice any religion, or no religion at all
Freedom of speech: The right to express ideas and opinions without punishment or retaliation from the government
Freedom of the press: The right to publish information and opinions
Freedom of assembly: The right to peacefully gather with others
Freedom of petition: The right to ask the government to address concerns or change policies
This "THEY" want to take AWAY, "WHY" ?